Alzheimer patient and functional theory of the self.
AbstractFunctional Psychology, developed by Rispoli and his collaborators, is founded on Corporal Psychotherapy which bases the study of personality on the observation of postures, facial expressions, muscle tone, and everything that is part of non-verbal communication. It has developed towards an integrated and total vision of Psycho-corporal processes of the deep functioning of human organism. According to Functional perspective, the concept of Self involves a wider vision of the subject’s functioning, considering Functions to be the expression of the whole organism, (emotions, recollections, rationality, symbolization, postures, movements, breath, cardiac-circulatory system, immune system, and including the deepest biological processes). In the study described in this present work it was possible to identify, according to the most recent formulations of Functional Psychology of Self, which of a wide range of expressions and capabilities were the most representative. The purpose of the research was to identify the ways in which the state of alarm that dement subject finds himself as a consequence of the disintegration of the Self becomes chronic. Signs of this state of alarm include: respiratory alterations; muscle tension; anxiety and agitation, poor sensibility in sensory perception. By studying the alterations of Self we can understand which alterations are more connected to the illness, and on the contrary, which are alterations induced by fear, tightening, discouragement, and how much vitality remains beyond the most superficial appearances. An outline for observations was used that is the result of the integration and adaptation of instruments that are already used in Functional psychotherapy to evacuate the conditions of the Self of patients in psychotherapy. The first part of the outline regards the observation of spontaneous behavior, the second part- behavior after manual or verbal stimulation by the examiner. Data analysis in relation to spontaneous behavior proves that in reality, for these patients, there is not a real "Closing" caused by refrained rage but instead it’s "Serenity" that is compromised on average. In spite of the apparent immobility of these subjects a preservation (unexpected) of the "Entirety of range of slow-fast" and "little-big movements" has been discovered. For patients with dementia the greatest compromises of deep Functioning observed as responses to stimulation include the almost total absence of "Diaphragmatic Respiration" and "Yawns" which indicate the presence of a state of alert, vigilance, worry, which is not directly due to the neurological degeneration. In fact it has been discovered that with help of massage of breathing, loosening "Muscular Tensions" that were present, also these patients succeed (beyond expectations) in loosening tension and relaxing. On the other hand the Function of "Positive sensation of contact" is a little bit compromised. Other vital manifestations (expressive and emotive) are compromised: such as "Joy", "Softness", "Calm Force" (which is connected to the capability to move situations of inner Self) and "Open Rage" (almost totally absent). To conclude, in some Functions (such as those that refer to movement, sensations, relaxation) an “unforeseeable integrity” has been registered, while others, (diaphragmatic respiration, control relaxation, joy), need external help to be able to mobilize themselves again. Some Functions, which have to do with important vital elements, present a notable conservation or a capability to mobilize themselves again easily, and represent an unexpected potentiality. The condition of Alzheimer subject, in this case, would be worse than the neurological damage would predict. This could reveal the possibility to penetrate deeply in the functioning of these patients and to amplify again sensations of "contact"," well being", "tenderness", with a notable improvement of their condition of life and health. The research also revealed a constant progress in the results of observations of spontaneous behaviour during the three weeks of research. This would confirm the reliability of the concept of Function, with implications of fundamental importance. For this reason it would be interesting to enlarge this study to other Functions of Self, to recognize a possible total “pattern” to attribute to the dement subject, as a useful instrument to detect areas of the Self of the subject which are more or less preserved, were it is possible to work in a rehabilitative sense, since the deterioration of some Functions (which are fundamental for the total welfare of the person) does not depend on neurological damage and it could be considerably reduced with a profitable and specific therapeutic intervention.
Autism and epilepsy:correlation between neurological and adaptive data
AbstractAutism is a rare behavioral disorder with multiple etiological causes that begins within the first three years of life. Autism is associated with several comorbid disorders. The comorbidity of epilepsy and autism has been frequently pointed out in the literature. About a third of children with autism regress with regards to their language, social, play and cognitive skills. Epilepsy or an abnormal EEG (with or without clinical seizures) seems to be associated with a selective loss of language or a pervasive regression. The goal of this study is to evaluate the relationship between this regression and epileptic seizures in subjects with autism and mental retardation. The experimental sample was composed of 44 subjects (30 males and 14 females), between the ages of 4 – 26. Thirty five individuals were inpatients of the residential program at IRCCS Oasi Maria SS. di Troina (EN). All had autism and mental retardation. The diagnosis was based on DSM-III-R and DSM-IV criteria and scores obtained on the CARS scale. Fourteen subjects presented epileptic seizures. Results of the administration of adaptive behavior and mental development scales were considered for the evaluation of regression. The sample was divided into four groups: presence/absence of epileptic seizures, presence/ absence of regression. The results demonstrate that none of the subjects with epileptic seizures regressed and epilepsy therefore does not have a fundamental role in the genesis of autistic regression, in this group. The study also took into consideration other factors associated with regression such as: mental retardation and chronological age. It seems that there are not significant differences between the group with severe mental retardation and the one with profound retardation. The subjects in the later group are distributed randomly and they are less numerous than in the other one. Regression was more frequent during childhood than in the post-adolescence. Lastly, the data collected shows that subjects, who are inpatients in the residential program, regress less than outpatient subjects thanks to the effects of individualized and continuative rehabilitation interventions.
Self-dynamics and “social deafness”. Processes of socialization and social relationships in the deaf.
AbstractStudies on Self and Identity underline the importance of social mediation processes for the individual’s “social destiny”, since it is according to these processes that a person establishes the meaning of his behavior, gives value to his activities, foresees his chances for success or failure in life, and invests energy in future projects. Social identity and group belonging are very important due to the effects that auto-categorization can have, particularly on the processes that it directs such as social-cognitive conflict and the social construction of intelligence since the relationship with the Other (individual or group) always mediates the response toward outside stimuli, in terms of the triad “ego-alter-object”, and the meanings that the social system elaborates and builds. Regarding the deaf, knowledge of speech and language acquisition (written and oral), due to its influence on social relationships and the construction of Self and intelligence, plays a fundamental role in obtaining social success and avoiding isolation; however, resistance may occur because of closure within the in-group, which takes part in defining deafness as a sort of unsurpassable limit. Our research data seems to confirm this theory, demonstrating how the preference for verbal language and the use of hearing aids is greater among those with higher levels of education, who do not isolate themselves within the in-group, which they feel resembles their identity although they believe that they are considered better as individuals, and who show greater openness towards the out group. The out-group received a higher evaluation by these individuals than by their own in-group.
The parent’s representation in preadolescent born at term vs preterm. An analysis of the attachment.
AbstractThis work is proposed to analyse the importance of some attitudes and expectations that the mother, or the caregivers, may have before the birth of their child. These expectations can be negative when the child is born prematurely. Negative expectations regarding the child can influence not only the relationship in the first months of life, but also the relationship that is established in the following years, even after fourteen years. We propose to study the long- term effects of some factors of risk legacies in premature births.
The Disability Personal Identity: the configuration of the deep sexual identity in subjects with mental disability
AbstractUsing a psychometric instrument (the FDCT: Olivetti Belardinelli, 1982, 1990), we intend to find the incidence of the so called ‘barriers’ to the construction of the deep sexual identity of people with mental disabilities in various contexts (familiar and social-educational communities), and in various types of cultural integration. The 362 experimental subjects (147 women and 215 men) are from the cities of Rome, Lecce, Catania and Formia. There was no evidence that the type of out-patient or domiciliary assistance the subjects received significantly affected their deep sexual identity. On this subject, the only significant difference found concerned the out-patient women with regard to the factor “Openness and Dialogue”. Moreover, meaningful differences were found between the subjects with respect to the different cities where the surveys had been done. These findings have been interpreted as evidence in favour of the social model.
Opitz trigonocephaly syndrome or C syndrome: a clinical case
AbstractThis study shows the evolution of psychological aspects as well as learning and adaptation development in a female child affected from a very rare form of congenital abnormality, namely the Opitz Trigonocephaly Syndrome or C Syndrome, typically characterised by early metopic prominence. During development, the complex forms of trigonocephaly - with further congenital malformations, - are also associated with mental retardation. The child analysed in this study presents with mild mental retardation and a chronological age of 10 years. Results of psychological investigations carried out in three different stages of her development are reported.
Some considerations about cognitive development and attachment models on children at the nursery.
AbstractChildren, when about twelve months (10-16) old, are in a developmental stage in which mental representation is inclined to stabilize towards integration between cognitive and emotional-relational aspects. The aim of our research is to evaluate the degree of cognitive development according to the piagetian model, by Uzgiris-Hunt Test, and the kind of attachment to the mother according to the Strange Situation methodology. A sample of 24 children was studied. They were from 10 to 16 months of age and all of them had started attending nursery school and therefore, had been obliged to suffer the emotional experience of separation. There is no statistical significance in the correlation between attachment models and retardation in piagetian scales. However there is evidence of a sharp trend to find sectorial deficits, in some Uzgiris-Hunt scales, in the insecure-avoiding attachment model. According to the authors it would be more appropriate to use diagnostic assessments with a unitary model, emotional and cognitive, like the one proposed by Schmid-Kiztikis. Furthermore it would be useful to evaluate longitudinally the differences in the recovery of sectorial deficits at one year of age between children with sure attachment and children at risk.
The sense of direction review based on life-span theory
AbstractThe purpose of this review is to analyze the main models of spatial mental representation after learning spatial information both by a real navigation in the environment (primary learning) and by viewing a map (secondary learning). The article focuses on the main models of developmental spatial cognition, starting with the theory of Piaget and Inhelder. Particular attention is given to the variables which influence the performance of “normal” elderly adults. Subsequently, cognitive tasks that measure different kinds of spatial abilities are analyzed. For each presented task, the modality of administration and the kind of spatial ability measured are described.