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Life Span and Disability


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Founded in 1998, Life Span And Disability promotes interdisciplinary research on psychological, social, educational, rehabilitative and neuropsychological aspects of the human life span. The aim is to disseminate scientific studies tapping on cognitive, emotional and interpersonal – transient or permanent – problems that may occur during the individual’s life span, (e.g., adolescence, unemployment, retirement, fertility drop, normal and pathological aging), causing uneasiness or permanent disability. Neuropsychological and social aspects of Intellectual Disability, as well as rehabilitation strategies to improve cognitive and adaptive functions and the quality of life of these persons are the main targets of scientific papers included in the Journal. Attention is focused on potential or residual skills and competences that might be enhanced to promote individual’s fulfillment and cognitive development. Personal skills and abilities are also considered from educational, social, environmental point of views, in relation with the bio-psychological bases and/or data derived from empirical research. Both quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches are welcomed.

Authors’ contributions received by our editorial office are submitted to members of the scientific committee or external experts, for a blind peer-review and approval process.

Life Span is a six-monthly Journal, published online in English. The Journal welcomes research contributes with original theoretical, methodological or empirical studies; use of diagnostic or intervention instruments (introduction of innovative intervention methods, questionnaires, diagnostic and intervention scales, validation of instruments); relevant case-reports; reviews on specific topics.

Open access
Articles are freely available. No open access publication fee is required.